Payment | Financial Services | Development and Security

Caasius - Custom Software Development

Apple and Google Wallet Platform

Technologies: Net Core, AngularUI, AWS, Mongo, PostgreSQL, Apple and Google integration

Amurco - AWS Migration

Migration of over 10 websites managed by the company to AWS.

Blockchain Consultant

Invoice collections on Blockchain smart contracts.More secure by creating single source transactions suppliers and buyers.

Technologies: AWS Blockchain Fabric, Chainstack Quorum NodeJS, VueJS, PostgreSql and DevOps process integration

Cryptocurrency wallet for bank customers

Technologies: Net Core C#, VueJS, Unit, Jenkins, Docker, Aws, Security Certification Compliance, MySql, MongoDB

US Local Bank, Azure Migration

*Local IT system topology and pilot application demo
*Developer and Test Env migration
*DevOps process imp.
*Live migration to Azure.

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